FES/Gardiner Provider
Takes2toLingo is now a
Family Empowerment Scholarship
for Students with Unique Abilities
(formerly Gardiner) Provider!
Takes2toLingo, LLC is an approved Family Empowerment Scholarship (FES) for Students with Unique Abilities (formerly Gardiner) provider. This special needs scholarship is a helpful resource for Florida children who are in need of our services, but are unable to receive them through private pay.
What is the FES for Students with Unique Abilities Scholarship?
According to the Florida Depatment of Education, this scholarship:
"is known as an Educational Savings Account (ESA) and functions like a bank account where you can withdraw funds to pay for your child’s education, including Tuition/Fees for Private School or Homeschooling, textbooks, tutoring, therapies and more."
How much is it worth?
The funding is based on a revised formula and can be viewed here.
Eligibility Criteria
To receive the scholarship your child must:
be a Florida resident
be at least 3 years of age before September 1st of the current calendar year
have a completed IEP or received a diagnosis of a disability from a physician
NOT be attenting a public school
If there is no diagnosed disability, your child may be considered "high risk" which means:
They are 3-5 years old with one or more of the following:​
A developmental delay in cognition, language, or physicial development​
A survivor or a catostrophic infectious or traumatic illness known to be associated with developmental delay
A child with a parent or guardian with developmental disabilities who requires assistance in meeting the child's developmental needs
A child who has a physical or genetic anomaly associated with developmental disability
How to Apply
Simply click here to get started!
Feel free to contact the following resources for further questions:
A.A.A. Scholarship Foundation
Phone: 888-707-2465
Step Up for Students
Phone: 877-735-7837