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AAC Programming and Training

Gain the confidence to customize your child's device to his/her needs

1 h18th Place East

Service Description

The world of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) can be challenging to navigate without support. Each device hardware and software works differently. In addition to that, every child has his/her own vocabulary, interests, vision abilities, and motor skills. With AAC Programming and Training services, families of children who have AAC devices can gain the confidence to customize their child's device(s) to his/her specific needs. Customization includes changes to: -voice output -personal information on device -button sizes/colors/locations -hiding/adding new buttons -vocabulary pages Families will also learn how to: -troubleshoot an AAC device -gain familiarity and comfort when navigating on their child's AAC device -appropriately model language on their child's device -adapt the device to increase functionality based on their child's advancements with the technology

Contact Details

  • 13712 18th Place East, Bradenton, FL, USA

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