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Speech-Language Therapy

Improve communication skills through Speech-Language Therapy.

1 h18th Place East

Service Description

There are three main types of language disorders: receptive, expressive, and mixed. A receptive language disorder/delay means is when a child has difficulties with understanding what is said to him/her. Warning signs of a receptive language disorder/delay include: difficulties following instructions, difficulties following along with peers, and often acting confused or not paying attention while others are talking. Receptive skills are very important because typically children must understand spoken language before they are able to use it effectively. An expressive language disorder/delay is when a child has difficulties with using spoken language to communicate with others. Warning signs of an expressive language disorder include: poor vocabulary, word recall, using no or few words expected for his/her age, leaving words out in sentences or mixing words in an incorrect order, verb tenses, combining words together, etc. A child with an expressive language disorder may be able to understand language, but has difficulties with using the language to effectively get his/her message across. A mixed receptive-expressive language disorder is when a child has difficulties with both receptive and expressive language. A speech delay/disorder is when an individual has difficulty with producing sounds and speech patterns clearly in words. This can make his/her speech difficult to understand for familiar and unfamiliar listeners alike, and if difficulties persist, may lead to frustration or difficulties with phonics, reading fluency, spelling, self-esteem, and social life. Every sound has a different range of ages when the child should demonstrate mastery. A delay is indicated when a child has not yet acquired earlier developing sounds in words. Speech production and clarity can also be remediated in teens and adults to help improve confidence, speech-intelligibility (understandability), and quality-of-life. Contact me for your speech-language therapy needs.

Contact Details

  • 13712 18th Place East, Bradenton, FL, USA

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